Monday, March 29, 2010

Esquisse Three: Form vs. Function

Function: This design uses the "Alternate Paperclip" from esquisse two as the wire structure which holds the chair together. these clip over and create a seat platform, where the piece of balsa sits on top of.
This design is practical and would be easy to manufacture. It comprises 5 pieces. The strength of the wire would need to be researched, as it carries the load.

Esquisse Three: Form vs. Function

Form: This design is a simple cross over piece of balsa which locks in place. It then has U shaped (or 3/4 of a square) wire inserts which alternate their weave across the balsa, creating a seat.

This design would be difficult to manufacture, and the wire would need to be correctly spaced and not to tense on the seat area, for comfort reasons- it would need to give a little. However, the aesthetic is nice and it displays balance, line, shape and positive/negative space, which create interest to the eye.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Esquisse Two: Locking Systems

The Slot and Slide: slide half the clip into place, then twist 90 degrees and it will lock in place. Can also slide a second piece of balsa on top of clip for double thickness/strength.

Esquisse Two: Locking Systems

The Slot and Slide: slide half the clip into place, then twist 90 degrees and it will lock in place. Can also slide a second piece of balsa on top of clip for double thickness/strength.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Esquisse Two: Locking Systems

The Slot and Peg: Two pieces of balsa held together by a wire pin. Creates 90 degree angles.

Esquisse Two: Locking Systems

The Slide Clip: holds two pieces of balsa together, and could also be used for strengthening applications.

Esquisse Two: Locking Systems

The Alternate Paperclip: It holds two pieces of balsa together, while also providing a 90 degree angle on the wire.